Cuidar un tatuaje durante el verano es especialmente importante debido a la exposición al sol y a las actividades al aire libre
Read moreHow to take care of your tattoo on summer!
Taking care of a tattoo during the summer is especially important due to sun exposure and outdoor activities. Here are some tips to take …
Read more3 Cosas para hacer en Santa Tinta CSL
En Santa Tinta CSL Tattoo Studio, no solo te ofrecemos una experiencia de tatuaje y piercing, sino que también te brindamos un ambiente cálido y acogedor.
Read more3 Things to do in Santa Tinta CSL
At Santa Tinta CSL Tattoo Studio, we not only offer you a tattoo and piercing experience, but we also provide you with a warm and welcoming environment.
Read moreFrequently Asked Questions Section
IT HURT? That’s how it is! But in the best possible way. Your brain releases endorphins when you go through pain, and your body loves …
Read moreSección de preguntas frecuentes
¿DUELE? ¡Así es! Pero de la mejor manera posible. Tu cerebro libera endorfinas cuando pasas por el dolor y a tu cuerpo le encantan …
Read moreWhat to consider before get tattooed
*Don’t drink caffeinated or energy drinks *Do not take any anticoagulants *Moisturize the skin 3 days before the tattooTo rest well…
Read moreHow to take care of your tattoo
Wash the tattoo carefully with cold water, applying neutral or antibacterial soap gently with the fingertips (never use cloth).
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